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Welcome to the ConVal School District’s Budget and Finance page. Here you will find monthly expense reports, budget information, sample forms, and links to any other relevant information.

What follows below is a very brief summary of what is contained in the New Hampshire State statutes; please refer to the link below for the entire law.

The Municipal Budget Law

The purpose of the Municipal Budget Law is to ensure that each town, municipality, or school district establishes uniformity, in which it proposes, appropriates and spends public funds.

The statute also includes several definitions:

Appropriation – an amount of money set aside for a specific purpose by the (School Board)

Budget – a statement of recommended appropriations and anticipated revenues submitted to the voters for approval at an annual meeting

Purpose – the aim to be accomplished by the expenditure of a specific sum of money; a line on the budget form posted with the warrant

Special Warrant Article – any article on the warrant that is

  • Submitted by petition

  • Calls for an appropriation to be raised by the issuance of bonds or notes

  • Calls for an appropriation to a separate fund (Special Education Trust, for example)

  • Designated as a special article by the School Board or as a non-lapsing or nontransferable appropriation