Articles of Agreement

The Contoocook Valley School District (ConVal) is a cooperative district, located in the Monadnock Region of Southwest New Hampshire. ConVal is a large public school organization. The nine towns that make up the District — Antrim, Bennington, Dublin, Francestown, Greenfield, Hancock, Peterborough, Sharon, and Temple — are located in two New Hampshire counties, Hillsborough and Cheshire. The nine towns joined together in 1967 based on the “Articles of Agreement” which were last amended on November 18, 2011.

ConVal School District


March 2025

ConVal School Board News

  • Mar 12, 2025 · ConVal School Board

    District Vote Results

    Thank you to all the voters who expressed their support for the ConVal School District on March 11, 2025. The detailed vote outcomes for each of the 11 warrant articles and ConVal School Board positions can be accessed here.

    Mar 5, 2025 · ConVal School Board

    March 11 is Voting Day

    All inhabitants of the Contoocook Valley School District, consisting of the Towns of Antrim, Bennington, Dublin, Francestown, Greenfield, Hancock, Peterborough, Sharon, and Temple, who are qualified to vote in District affairs, are invited to participate in Voting Day on March 11, 2025.

    The voting locations and times are as follows:

    • Antrim: Town Hall, 8 a.m. – 7 p.m.
    • Bennington: Town Hall Gym, 8 a.m. – 7 p.m.
    • Dublin: Town Hall, 8 a.m. – 7 p.m.
    • Francestown: Town Hall, 10 a.m. – 7 p.m.
    • Greenfield: Greenfield Elementary School, 10 a.m. – 7 p.m.
    • Hancock: Meeting House, 8 a.m. – 7 p.m.
    • Peterborough: Community Center, 8 a.m. – 7 p.m.
    • Sharon: Meeting House, 11 a.m. – 7 p.m.
    • Temple: Town Hall, 7 a.m. – 7 p.m.

    Please check with your town to confirm this schedule.

    Feb 1, 2025 · ConVal School Board

    Public Hearings on Petition Article

    The Contoocook Valley School District Board is in receipt of a Petition Warrant Article which seeks to adopt a School District Budget Cap. The School Board is required to hold a public hearing on the question in each town embraced by the District.

    The text of the Petition Warrant Article is as follows:

    “Shall we adopt the provisions of RSA 32:5-e, and implement a budget cap whereby the School Board shall not submit a recommended budget that is higher than 29,000 dollars per pupil cost times the average daily membership in residence of the school district as of October 1 of the year immediately preceding the proposed budget year plus an annual increase for inflation using CPI-U, Boston-Cambridge-Newton, MA-NH area published by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.”

    (Submitted by petition)

    For a complete schedule of meeting locations, dates, and times, please click here.

    Feb 1, 2025 · ConVal School Board

    Warrant Articles 2 and 3

    This is the third in our annual series of articles regarding the financial aspects of running the ConVal School District.

    This article covers two related warrant articles that address the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA). For the full-length article (4 pages), please click here.

    Jim Fredrickson Chairman, Budget & Property Committee ConVal School Board

    Jan 28, 2025 · ConVal School Board

    ConVal School Board Community Forum

    The ConVal School District invites all residents to a Community Forum discussing the budget, collective bargaining agreement, property tax bills, the proposed withdrawal of Dublin and Francestown from the ConVal School District, and a budget cap petition warrant article. 

    The event will be held on February 12, 2025, at 7:00 PM in the Lucy Hurlin Theatre at ConVal High School. A snow date has been scheduled for February 19, 2025, at 7:00 PM. 

    We encourage all residents to attend, hear from key speakers, and participate in the discussion on these important topics affecting our community. This event will be live-streamed on the ConVal Events YouTube channel (, and it will be available for viewing anytime after the event.

    AgendaModerator: Tom Burgess

    • Budget / Trust Fund Warrants - Speakers: Ann Forrest & Jim Fredrickson

    • Collective Bargaining Agreement - Speaker: Tom Burgess

    • Property Tax Bills - Speaker: Jim Fredrickson

    • Withdrawal - Speakers: Mike Hoyt & Curtis Hamilton

    • Budget Cap Petition Warrant - Speaker: Jim Fredrickson

    Q & A - Please keep your questions/comments to two minutes.

    If you would like to ask a question in advance, please send it to

    We look forward to an engaging and informative evening as we work together to address the priorities and future of our ConVal School District. Your participation is vital!

    Jan 23, 2025 · ConVal School Board

    Board Confirms Forrest As Superintendent

    The ConVal School District is pleased to announce that the ConVal School Board, at its meeting on Tuesday, January 21, voted to confirm Dr. Ann Forrest as the new Superintendent of the ConVal schools. She has served as the District’s interim Superintendent since August 2024.

    Dr. Forrest began working in the District in 2008 as a literacy coach. She was named principal of Antrim Elementary School and Pierce School in Bennington in 2013, and later advanced to the position of Assistant Superintendent in 2016. In 2021, she became the recipient of the Outstanding Service Award by the New Hampshire School Administrators Association (NHSAA). The Outstanding Service Award recognizes educational leaders who are not superintendents. Candidates are judged for initiative, growth, service to public education, and contributions to the educational achievements of their District.

    After the vote on Tuesday confirming Dr. Forrest in her new position, School Board Chairman Dick Dunning noted: “Ann brings a positive outlook and great leadership skills to the position. The Board has had time to observe these qualities since August of last year. Our unanimous Board vote shows the confidence we have in her leadership."

    ”I am incredibly grateful and honored to be given the opportunity to serve as Superintendent of the ConVal School District,” Dr. Forrest said. “I care deeply about this district, and I’m committed to investing carefully in its future. We have to remain cost-conscious and fiscally responsible while pursuing a wide range of learning opportunities for our students. The District will continue to be successful and serve the ConVal community best when both of these goals are met.”

    Jan 21, 2025 · ConVal School Board

    School Board Positions

    Are you passionate about the future of our schools? Do you want to help shape the educational experience for our students? The ConVal School Board is seeking dedicated residents to join and make a difference.

    Interested individuals are invited to file their declaration of candidacy with Brenda Marschok in the Office of the Superintendent of Schools not earlier than 8:00 a.m., on Wednesday, January 22, 2025 and no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, January 31, 2025.

    The open School Board positions, by town of residence, are as follows: Antrim (1 position, 3-year term); Dublin (1 position, 3-year term); Greenfield (1 position, 2-year term); Hancock (1 position, 3-year term); and Peterborough (2 positions, 3-year term each).

    For further information, please contact Brenda Marschok at (603) 924-3336 or

    Jan 14, 2025 · ConVal School Board

    School Board Votes Not to Move Forward with CTE/High School Bond

    During the January 7th School Board meeting, the Board voted 9-1 against recommending a warrant article to pursue renovations of the Career and Technical Education centers (CTE) and the high school. After detailed analysis, robust community feedback, and thoughtful conversations with select board representatives from across our district, we arrived at the decision that this was neither the right time nor the appropriate cost for this project.

    Though this project is not advancing in its current form, a considerable amount of new information has been gained during this process. Over the past two years, the building committee has studied CTE facilities and programming across our state. We now have an accurate assessment of the current and future needs of our students and our community. We have also arrived at a much better understanding of the state of our aging buildings. Comprehensive structural and systems reviews, including electrical, plumbing, and HVAC, were completed for ConVal High School as well as for Great Brook School and South Meadow School. These will be highly relevant as we assess the needs of our district going forward.

    Teachers do not teach in the same ways they did when our facilities were built more than two decades ago. Students learn differently as well. The need to modernize is real, and it will persist. Within the high school, there are security, regulatory, and compliance issues that command our attention. Moving forward, the school board and the building committee will take the good work that has been accomplished to date, along with our community’s input, back to the drawing board and set out to reach these goals in a fiscally sustainable way.

    We would like to acknowledge and extend our gratitude to all of those who worked to bring us to this point. The dedication to our students, district, and community exhibited by members of our building committee and specifically Heather McKillop, our high school principal, and Jen Kiley, our CTE director, has been exemplary. We would also like to thank every member of our community who participated in this process.

    Sincerely, The ConVal School Board

Renovation and Withdrawal Plans

School District Budget


The School Board goals will be updated soon.