Department Members
Today, our learning environments must support college, career, and life readiness. The effective use of technology provides enhanced opportunities for students and employees to succeed in school and the workplace. Within a district that spans nine towns across 250 square miles, technology is seen as a potential equalizer for schools separated by miles of country roads.
The ConVal Technology Plan is designed to support the development of inquisitive, creative, resourceful thinkers; effective problem‐solvers; and ethical participants in our globally networked society. This plan aims to develop transformative learning environments that support the ability of staff and students to effectively use information, tools, and technology and foster a commitment to lifelong learning.
Through its interwoven emphasis on teaching and learning, rather than solely on hardware and software, this plan intends to shift the center of gravity of the technology conversation to where it belongs — the learning and teaching experiences of students and staff as they endeavor, together, to engage with the guaranteed and viable curriculum to which the ConVal School District has committed itself.
The essential questions that drove the creation of this plan were these:
How can we best prepare our students to thrive as digital citizens?
What are the specific skills that current students need to possess in the future to be successful?
ConVal continues to review current research and recommendations for providing access to and the best use of information and communication technologies (ICT) while engaging in the following five important tasks:
Support teachers and staff to seamlessly and effectively integrate technology standards into the K-12 curriculum and other District business
Strengthen efforts to use student e-portfolios at all grade levels
Develop awareness of and increase in positive digital citizenship behaviors
Update technology inventories
Review and revise policies and procedures in support of effective learning
The goals included in the Plan are as follows:
Students will demonstrate information literacy and digital fluency, as defined by ConVal School District Performance Standards, NH Digital Literacy Program Standards, NETS-S, and AASL Standards for Learners.
Teachers, administrators, and specialists will demonstrate proficient integration of digital resources, as defined by NETS-T, NETS-A, NETS-C, and AASL, to facilitate, extend, and improve student learning.
Technology will be used throughout the District by ConVal staff to improve communication, promote effectiveness, and generate efficiencies in all operations.
ConVal will provide the required connectivity, hardware, software, and related instructional resources necessary for all students and staff to meet digital fluency performance goals.