Student Records

The ConVal School District keeps student information on file as long as the student attends one of the district schools. Beyond graduation, or transfer to another school district, student records are kept for a prescribed period of time in accordance with school board policies EHB and EHB-R. See also the section on transcripts below.

A student’s school records typically include:

  • So-called “directory information” about the student (name, address, phone number, and other information that typically appears in school yearbooks)

  • Additional information, including the student’s birth date and social security number

  • Parents’ or guardians’ names and contact information

  • Courses taken, attendance records, grades, awards and honors, degrees earned, and other academic information

  • Scores on standardized tests

  • Medical and health records that the school creates or collects (including immunization records and medication administered at school)

  • If applicable, special accommodation records, including 504 plans, and/or education records, including individualized education programs (IEPs)

  • If applicable, school disciplinary actions taken against the student, such as suspensions or expulsions, and the reasons for those actions.


If a student moves out of district and is enrolled in a different school district, the receiving district issues a request, in writing, for transcripts. The student’s transcripts are then forwarded to the school district directly.

Current high school students can request transcripts by filling out a Transcript Release Form or request it on Naviance. Graduates of ConVal High School can request transcripts by contacting the School Counseling Office at ConVal Regional High School and filling out the Post-Graduate Transcript Release Form.