
ConVal's enduring vision and commitment to the purposeful use of technology was first expressed in its 2016 Technology Plan: "The ConVal School District embraces technology as a vehicle accessible to all, enabling each learner to become a contributing member of a changing, technological society. The effective use of technology provides students enhanced opportunities to succeed in school and the workplace.” (ConVal School District, District Technology Plan 2016-2019, p. 4).

To further enhance academic programs offered in the ConVal School District, the School Board approved, in February of 2016, the purchase of Chromebook laptop computers for schools. At the middle and high school levels, Chromebooks typically travel between school and home for homework and projects, while Chromebooks remain in the building at the elementary schools.

While Chromebooks are assigned to individual students, they remain the property of the ConVal School District and are issued for educational purposes only. When using the district-issued Chromebooks, students need to follow school board policy JICL , which governs Internet safety and responsible use by students.

Purposeful Use of Technology

The purposeful use of technology in the ConVal School District refers to the intentional integration of technology into teaching and learning activities to improve student engagement, performance, and outcomes. This includes the use of digital tools and resources to support student collaboration, creativity, communication, and critical thinking.

1:1 Chromebooks and Blended Learning

A driving force behind establishing 1:1 learning environments is the ConVal School District’s core belief that “All means all. We must provide the opportunity for each and every student to reach their maximum potential.”

The ConVal School District purposefully uses technology to help students learn and to prepare them for their future in a digitally connected world. This means employing digital tools and resources to help students work together, be creative, think critically, solve complex problems, and communicate solutions well.1:1 learning environments support the development of blended learning opportunities, which focus on “blending together” — in robust, technology-enabled learning environments — excellent face-to-face instruction, collaborative experiences to support students learning with and from each other, and to extend learning opportunities to work with experts in the field. 

Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) in teaching and learning has emerged as a contested issue in recent months. The vigorous debate between opponents and proponents of generative AI use revolves around concerns over plagiarism on the one hand and the need to prepare students for their future by explicitly teaching AI prompt engineering strategies on the other.

While a student's use of generative AI programs, such as ChatGPT, Google Gemini, Perplexity AI, Bing AI, DALL-E, Adobe Firefly, etc., to complete a class assignment may not technically constitute plagiarism because it does not involve the copying of another person's work, it still constitutes academic dishonesty if an AI-generated assignment is represented as the student's own.

However, artificial intelligence is likely to be built into an increasing number of online learning services, and learning how to use AI purposefully — e.g., through the intentional engineering of prompts — is recognized as a developing digital skill. Therefore, teachers will indicate on specific assignments if, and to what extent, the use of AI by students is permitted.

Related Resources

International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Standards

National Educational Technology Plan (2024)

Blended Learning Parent & Student Handbook

Purposeful Use of Technology at ConVal (December 2023)

Blended Learning FAQs